Free Methodist

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            The roots of the Free Methodist Church are in the United States where it began as an abolitionist movement in 1860 at the beginning of the American Civil War. It came to Canada in the 1880s not for its anti-slavery position but because of its conservative, Bible-based theology.

            For a general history of the Free Methodist Church in Canada, see Sigsworth, John Wilkins - The Battle Was the Lord’s - Sage Publishers, Oshawa

            The archives are in Indianapolis. The Yearbook was originally called the Annual Conference Minutes.

            The situation in Methuen Twp is complex. Because of their closeness, I have assumed that Rockdale became Cordova Mines. Havelock and Methuen may be the same place since only in one year are they both listed. I have listed the appointments as they are in the Yearbook; probably the reality is very much simpler and it was merely the appointment name that changed.